Somatics Catalog

Publisher Search: "Move+Alive+Media"
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Amazing Babies Moving Book
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softcover book
softcover book: $24.95 (US)
Beverly Stokes
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Move Alive Media
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Join the many expectant, new and experienced parents around the world to discover the benefits of this innovative approach for a body-confident, expressive, motivated baby. Discover more about your baby's expressive body language and boost your baby's cognitive abilities by encouraging self-motivated play. Find new ways to observe and move with your baby. Each month there are Parent-Baby interactions for you to join in and improvise in play. otion. Easy-to-follow slow motion episodes guide you through longer movement sequences. Not just for parents; this is foundational knowledge for all somatics practitioners. 238 pages.

Amazing Babies Moving DVD
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DVD: $19.95 (US)
Beverly Stokes
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Move Alive Media
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Participate in the natural progression of movement development during your baby's first year. The DVD is presented chronologically and grouped into pre-locomotion and locomotion sections; it contains many of the baby movement sequences seen in the book so that you can enjoy watching these episodes unfold in full motion. Easy-to-follow slow motion episodes guide you through longer movement sequences. otion. Easy-to-follow slow motion episodes guide you through longer movement sequences. Not just for parents; this is foundational knowledge for all somatics practitioners. 47 minutes, color.

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DVD: $29.95 (US)
Dennis Weaver, Eleanor Criswell
Search For Dennis Weaver, Eleanor Criswell
Capstone Media
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RELAX with DENNIS WEAVER & ELEANOR CRISWELL - A Refreshing DVD Approach to Stress Management. Created by a team of experts in the fields of psychology, stress management and accelerated learning techniques, this DVD provides a powerful experience that leaves one feeling refreshed. An ever-changing flow of extraordinary images, the soothing music of Steven Halpern and the gentle voice of Dr. Eleanor Criswell, leads you through safe and effective relaxation techniques. (60-min. color , Hi-Fi Stereo)

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