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Somatics Catalog Table of Contents:
- BOOKS - Somatics, General Mind/Body Health:
- NEW!! Cram's Introduction to Surface Electromyography, Second Edition
- Biofeedback and Somatics: Toward Personal Evolution, Eleanor Criswell, Ed.D.
- Bodies In Revolt: A Primer in Somatic Thinking, Thomas Hanna.
- The Body of Life: Creating New Pathways for Sensory Awareness and Fluid Movement, Thomas Hanna.
- How Yoga Works - An Introduction to Somatic Yoga, Eleanor Criswell, Ed.D.
- Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health, Thomas Hanna.
- Waking the Tiger/Healing Trauma Series, Dr. Peter Levine
- Conciencia Corporal (Spanish), Thomas Hanna.
- Ways to Better Breathing, Carola Speads
- BOOKS: Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology
- Corollary Discharge, The Forgotten Link: Remarks on the body-mind problem.
- Illustrated Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kay Sieg & Sandra Adams
- Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology, Ruth Werner, LMP
- Neuroanatomy, An Illustrated Colour Text, A.R. Crossman, D. Neary
- BOOKS: Philosophy, Psychology, Other
- In Search of Fulfillment, Arthur F. Combs, edited by Anne C. Richards
- The Lyrical Existentialists, Thomas Hanna.
- The End of Tyranny, Thomas Hanna.
- Letters from Fred, Thomas Hanna
- Sidney Jourard: Selected Writings, edited by Michael Lowman, Antoinette Jourard and Marty Jourard
- Invitations to Dialogue: The Legacy of Sidney Jourard, edited by Anne C. Richards and Tiparat Schumrum
- Somatic Exercises[TM] Teacher's Guide
- Somatic Yoga Teacher's Guide
- SOMATIC EXERCISES[TM] Teacher's Kit (Regular and Deluxe)
- SOMATIC YOGA Teacher's Kit (Regular and Deluxe)
- Reaching Children: At The Border States Of Mexico: The Politics of Social Reform, Shari St. Martin, Ph.D.,
- The Drum: The Optokinetic Perceptual Learning Device, Eleanor Criswell Hanna. (Patent #3496649)
- The Good Health Set (Regular & Deluxe)
- Like Magic, the Body Changes through Somatic Exercises[TM]
- A Programmatic Key for Unlocking the Brain's Neuromuscular System
- Precisely programmed movement patterns to stimulate the brain's release of muscular tightness and pain that have resisted all other efforts and means of improvement.
- AUDIO: Somatic Exercises[TM] CD Sets and mp3 flashdrives narrated by Thomas Hanna:
- The Myth of Aging: Somatic Exercises[TM] to Control Neuromuscular Stress (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM]: The Complete Cat Stretch (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Legs and Hip Joints (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Hands, Wrists, Elbows and Shoulders (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Neck, Jaw and Skull (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Lower Back (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM]: Freeing the Whole Body from Center to Periphery (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Delicate Backs (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Full Breathing (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Feet, Knees and Pelvis (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Rounded Shoulders and Depressed Chests (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Protruding Bellies (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Kinesiology (CD, flashdrive)
- AUDIO: Somatic Exercises[TM] CD Sets and mp3 flashdrives narrated by Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Ed.D.:
- The Five-Minute Somatic Relaxation (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercise Yoga (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] to Improve Walking (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Arms, Hands, Neck and Shoulders (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Complete Back (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Hips, Thighs, Lower Legs & Feet (CD, flashdrive)
- Relax with Dennis Weaver (CD)
- Somatic Exercises[TM]: The Whole-Body Somatic Tune-Up (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Brain, Muscles & Nerves (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for the Face, Eyes, Neck & Shoulders (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Athletes, Fitness Enthusiasts & Equestrians (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Healthy Breathing (CD, flashdrive)
- Seated Somatic Exercises[TM] (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Travelers and Commuters[TM] (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Meditators[TM] (CD, flashdrive)
- Somatic Exercises[TM] for Shoulder & Hips (CD, flashdrive)
- AUDIO CD LECTURE SERIES (CD only for single lectures; CDs and mp3 flashdrives available for complete set):
- The Explorers of Humankind: "In Their Own Words - Prime Resources" (CD, flashdrive)
- Moshe Feldenkrais: Man and the World (CD)
- Thomas Hanna: The Myth of Aging (CD)
- Ida Rolf: Structure: A New Factor in Understanding the Human Condition (CD)
- Alexander Lowen: Human Nature (CD)
- Karl Pribram: From Infinities to Nothing (CD)
- Charlotte Selver & Charles Brooks: Notes About the Human Potential (CD)
- Hans Selye: The Research Leading to the Theory of Stress (CD)
- DVDs:
- Canine Hanna Somatics® by Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Edward Biery (DVD)
Also available by Download: Buy Download- Equine Hanna Somatics® Session 1, An Introduction with Alissa Mayer and Eleanor Criswell, Ed.D. (DVD)
Also available by Download: Buy Download- Equine Hanna Somatics® Demonstration with Dennis Reis and Eleanor Criswell, Ed.D. (DVD)
- The Cat Stretch with Eleanor Criswell Hanna, from "Thinking Allowed" with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. (DVD)
- The Mind-Body Connection - A Conversation with Eleanor Criswell, Ed.D. from "Thinking Allowed" with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. (DVD)
- Relax with Dennis Weaver - A Refreshing Video Approach to Stress Management. (DVD)
- Somatic Yoga with Eleanor Criswell, from "Thinking Allowed" with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove. (DVD)
- Unlocking Your Body - Regaining Youth through Somatic Awareness, Thomas Hanna, from "Thinking Allowed" with Dr.Jeffrey Mishlove.(DVD)
- SOMATICS Magazine-Journal of the Mind/Body Arts & Sciences
- Excerpt from an Interview in EastWest Magazine
- ELEANOR CRISWELL HANNA: A Brief History of Somatics and Guidelines for Doing Somatic ExercisesTM
- HANNA SOMATIC EDUCATION® Practitioner Training
To receive a copy of the catalog write, call or fax:
- 1500 Grant Ave. #228, Novato, CA 94945
(415) 892-0617, Fax (415) 892-4388